Covid 19 


Without a doubt Covid-19 has impacted so many children in Australia and all those mix emotions when all the activities where suddenly stopped. 

Throughout this challenging times El Ritmo would like to congratulate our families for all the hard work, especially our parents and grandparents in protecting our students and staff wellbeing. 

In order to comply with the current COVID-19 restrictions, El Ritmo venue is bound to adhere to the mandatory safety measures required by the Government of SA, including the COVID Safe Check-in procedure.

By agreeing to attend El Ritmo classes, it is expected every student will abide by the Government’s current controls with regard to travel from interstate etc. and should you be feeling unwell, or to your knowledge anyone in your close family is unwell, you will act in accordance with the Government requirements.

Please find below

COVID – 19 Safe Plan for you and your family before attending El Ritmo Classes.

We ask our families to practice social distance at all the times.

DO NOT attend class or come into the studio if your child has any symptoms such as a cough, cold, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or are feeling unwell. If your child is unwell please ensure to contact us for attandance record. 


“Take time daily to reflect on how much you have. It may not be all that you want but remember someone somewhere is dreaming to have what you have.”

― Germany Kent

Our priority is the safety of our students, and on that note, stay safe and healthy.