El Ritmo Productions
Belowform must be submitted after your child attends a Trial class.
When enrolling in our programs means your child gets a chance to explore the fun of learning how to dance and discovering new friends in a safe and lovable environment.
Enrolment Form
We’d love to find out more about your child’s experience with El Ritmo Productions. As an outstanding supporter to the El Ritmo community we would absolutely love to ask you below questions. There are absolutely no right or wrong answers.
I, as the Parent/ Guardian, would like my child to attend El Ritmo Productions understanding that whilst the venue and its teachers will take all possible care to ensure maximum safety and wellbeing, they cannot be held liable for injury, damage, or loss sustaining to his or her person or property. In the unlikelihood of an accident or illness, I authorise El Ritmo staff to obtain, at my expense, all necessary medical assistance and treatment as required. Parents/Guardians will be notified immediately if any such action. Should a class not go ahead due to unforeseen circumstances, the Parent/Guardian will be notified as soon as possible via text or email. Please note, due to the nature of our classes, no refunds or catch-up sessions are granted for students who miss class.
We thank you for your understanding.
El Ritmo Productions Management.
Sports Voucher
Claim your SA Government SPORTS VOUCHER with El Ritmo Productions.
To download voucher head to www.sportsvouchers.sa.gov.au